Monday, April 11, 2011

Big Brother is coming to a cafeteria near you...

I found this on Facebook and I am shocked. If I was in that school district, I would throw the biggest fit--right before I pulled my kids out of school and moved somewhere NORMAL. I cannot believe this!!!!!


Amy said...

I really hope that picture was just a stock photo and not a sample of what the school deems "heathy". The cheese in the corner made me gag just looking at it. I love how they automatically assume that all sack lunches are lunchables and soda. As much as my kids would love to take that every day they have yet to ever do so. I guess a meat and cheese (real cheese not the Kraft singles crap)sandwich on wheat bread (with no HFCS) with fruit and veggies is not near as good as whatever that is they are eating.
And I thought it was bad when I heard about schools that would send home lists of foods that were and were not allowed in sack lunches.

Heidi said...

This is crazy! I'm with you! If our school district thought up something crazy like this I'd be all up in their faces. Seriously.