Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Going Native

Well, yesterday I took to the treadmill. I only did a mile, which seems absolutely PATHETIC to me, but I am really trying to take it slow. I don't want to injure myself again. And--my foot was fine!!! Yippee!! I decided to try something new--reading this "Born to Run" book about the ancient tribe of running Indians in Mexico has really got me thinking and I did my running...

Barefoot! (I almost wrote "in the nude" just to really freak you out. But that would freak me out, too, so don't worry.) So my barefoot running experience was a bit cold, but other than that, it was great. Obviously I won't be doing it outside anytime soon, but I'm going to keep it up on the treadmill. And now I've been thinking about getting some of these crazy shoes...
And, the moment you have all been waiting for, introducing my new running partner...
Kirby will be coming home with us on Dec. 11th!!

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