Friday, November 5, 2010

Working out makes me happy.

The kids were not cooperating with my plans to work out this morning. I guess it's okay, because my body is still not loving me for pushing it so hard the past few days. I got in a whopping 1 minute and 44 seconds on the elliptical before I had to give up and be the Mom for a while. I did 20 minutes of Yoga with the kids, which is always interesting (and probably not all that valuable.) That's okay--Lincoln did cooperate this afternoon and took a nice nap, so I got in a three mile run this afternoon. (Today is a VERY MUCH NEEDED rest day for strength training.)

Breakfast was oatmeal with...pumpkin! And lunch was a sprout sandwich with a little bit of turkey added in.
The more veggies I stack on there, the more full I will be when I'm done. I had all kinds of lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and sprouts, obviously. Yum! Enjoyed outside picnic style with Lincoln.

Dinner was breakfast burritos with pinto beans on whole wheat tortillas. And now I am off to work.

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