Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Old Man Winter

He really makes it hard to run when and where I want. Not to mention the fact that my kids are all out of school. All. Day. Long. Every. Single. Day. Until. January.

Anyway. I am fighting off another respiratory infection, so maybe it's best that I don't run outside for now. I wanted to try to get a run in this afternoon, but Ryan still isn't home from work and now it is dark outside. So I'll be hitting the treadmill again tonight!

Today's meals included oatmeal, a clementine and string cheese for a snack, leftover jacket potato (with cottage cheese this time) for lunch and a smoothie for an afternoon snack. I got in a lower body workout this afternoon while Lincoln didn't nap.

I am trying to only eat basic foods--foods with few ingredients and ones that I can pronounce. So for now I am doing smoothies without protein powder to see how it goes. Because really I don't know what any of this stuff is!!

So my family can blame my new emphasis on whole, natural foods on all my vegetable movies. :) I've been watching another fantastic one recently, "The Gerson Miracle." Wow.

Back to my smoothie...I used a banana, frozen strawberries, peaches and mangoes, baby spinach, cottage cheese (for protein), chia seeds, almond milk and flaxseed oil. It was nice and thick, so I had it in a bowl with some trail mix and cereal on top.

Now I've got a yummy vegetarian soup simmering on the stove...if Ryan ever gets home I will let you know how it tastes!!

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