Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cracker danger ahead.

I love blogging the day after I go grocery shopping. So much more interesting!

I made the kids whole wheat French toast this morning. Unfortunately, we still don't have any milk. There was a miscommunication with the milk-man and we won't be getting our delivery until Friday. So I made the batter with egg whites, almond milk, agave nectar, cinnamon and vanilla and it was yummy (I'm just guessing by the amount consumed--I actually resisted temptation and didn't eat any of my all time favorite breakfast!!) I am out of purees--I need to get going on that!
I came across this brand of instant oatmeal (on the left) recently and decided to give it a try. I think it is pretty funny that they call it "Whole Grain Oatmeal." Isn't all oatmeal whole grain? Either way, it is really yummy and it has no added sugar, but they did add flaxseed and plant sterols. It has a lot of random ingredients, unlike my regular stuff that is just oats, so I think I will save it for days when I'm in a big hurry.
I wasn't remotely hungry after my oatmeal and HB egg, so I never even ate a morning snack. I made this organic mac and cheese for the kids for lunch and it was a big hit.
For myself, I used up the leftover black beans from last night and put them on corn tortillas and then broiled them for a bit. I added a creamy salsa sauce and spinach leaves. It was good. I also had carrot sticks on the side.
I had found these snack crackers at the store and gave them to the kids for lunch too. As I was cleaning up their plates, I decided to take a nibble of the leftovers. Oh. My. Gosh. I don't even like Goldfish or Cheez-its or anything like that, but these crackers and pretzels were SO GOOD. I not only finished off the kids, I went into the pantry for more. DANGER!!
Snack today was a blueberry yogurt bowl--plain Greek yogurt, frozen blueberries, chopped almonds and Oatmeal Squares cereal. YUM!

For dinner I made Zesty Italian Chicken, which reminds me that I need to post the next month's recipes on my sidebar. I'll get to it, I promise. Anyway, this chicken is quick and easy.

We had whole wheat garlic toast on the side.
And then I had to finish off my eating part of the day with a bit of chocolate in the form of a Goodness Knows snack. These are just right.

Work out routine was the typical one--30 minutes of elliptical this morning, upper body this afternoon. I am planning to run as soon as I get the kids down. I also cleaned the house all day long and I really think that should count for something.

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