Thursday, September 23, 2010

Flu prevention and fish cravings

I need my kids to go back to school soon! The longer they are off track, the more I crave chocolate. This full-time mom of four thing is intense. Man, I am exhausted.

We started off the day with smoothies and sourdough toast. I made their smoothies with low-fat vanilla yogurt, frozen mixed fruits and berries, chia seeds, baby spinach and water. I also added in some herbal drops and ecinachea as well. Flu season is upon us, folks. This time last year I was in bed for over a week with the swine flu, only to get complications and end up hospitalized with pneumonia a few weeks later. Not fun, let me tell you.

I have had a weird lack of appetite lately--which is not a bad thing, but I do have to get used to really listening to my body and not just eating because it is "time to eat." So, I wasn't hungry at all after breakfast and I didn't eat until lunch time. I had leftovers from last night's dinner--turkey bacon wraps. This time I had the time to add lettuce and tomatoes as well.

I also have to admit I finished off a crust of one of the kids grilled cheese sandwiches and one cookie.

There was only one left and I didn't want to put an almost empty box back into the pantry!

I wasn't hungry again until right before dinner, when I had a snack pack of Annie's chocolate chip bunny crackers. They aren't nearly as good as the cheese ones. For dinner we had grilled salmon, sweet potatoes and green beans. Lately I have been craving fish. So weird. I don't know what that means, exactly. Am I low in Omega 3's? I have no idea. But I am going to try to start incorporating more fish into our weekly diet.

Today was 30 minutes cardio in the a.m. and lower body in the afternoon. My kids go back to school on Tuesday, so I will be able to get back into a better routine then!

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