Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Sorry for not posting that bread recipe, guys. Man, the fall-out from this... :)

It's just that it is the same recipe I use over and over. I used to make this divine whole wheat bread that tastes incredible, but since I have come upon this new bread recipe that is so much faster and easier and has no fat, it is all I ever do. I've referenced it quite a few times in other posts, but I will go ahead and post it again for you all.


1 1/2 cups warm water
2 TBSP sugar
1 TBSP yeast

Let that sit for 5 minutes. Then add:
3 1/2 cups flour (part whole wheat if you have it)
1 tsp. salt

I also add some sort of veggie puree (last night it was pumpkin), chia seeds and flaxseed and enough flour to make it the right consistency.

Mix until smooth, then let raise for 10 minutes. At this point you can make it into breadsticks, pizza dough, rolls, a loaf of bread, or a loaf of cinnamon bread. (To make the cinnamon bread, simply roll it out into a rectangle and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar, then roll is up as if you were going to make cinnamon rolls. Fold it over on top of itself and put into a bread pan.) After forming whatever it is you are making, let it rise again (20-30 minutes) if you wish, then bake at 400 degrees or until golden brown.


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